Sport Images
Sport Images Inc. is a Canadian company with expertise in sport related art and associated sport fundraising.
Fit4Me Health and Fitness Program
The Fit4Me program is an individualized, supervised online program designed to increase the availability, compliance and success of fitness and weight management efforts to the general public. Participants will be able to register for the program online, then receive specific component based daily fitness exercise programs on a month by month basis. By encouraging participants to document their completion of these daily exercises, Fit4Me supervisors can provide monthly exercise progressions as well as positive motivation to encourage participants to continue with their personal wellness initiative. The very economical cost to participate in the Fit4Me program of less than 75 cents per day will ensure that any client with Internet access will be able to join this unique and worthwhile exercise and fitness opportunity.
Fit4MySport Program
The Fit4MySport Program has been designed for sport organizations with competitive and elite athletes who are interested in improving their athletic and sport skills with sport specific evaluation, testing and training programs. By using the SportTrack program to determine what skills need to be improved to become a higher level athlete, athletes will have the information needed to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

Edmonton Sport Institute

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